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She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis. She died in 1811 from terburkulosis.

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10y ago

She is buried in an unmarked grave in St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia.

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Elizabeth Arnold Poe died on December 8, 1811.

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Who were Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Edgar Allan Poe's parents?

Traveling Actors

Where was Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe born?

England, probably in London, in the year 1787.

What year did Elizabeth Cairnes Poe die?

Edgar Allan Poe's paternal grandmother, Elizabeth Cairnes Poe, died on July 7, 1835.

Who were Edgar Allan Poe's grandparents?

Edgar Allan Poe's grandparents were David, Sr. & Elizabeth Cairnes Poe & Henry & Elizabeth Arnold. For the record Poe's parents were David Poe, Jr. & Elizabeth "Eliza" Arnold Hopkins Poe.

How old were Edgar Allan Poe's parents when they died?

David Poe, Jr was 27 years old, and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe was probably 24 years old.

When did Edgar Allan Poe's natural father die?

Edgar Allan Poe's natural father, David Poe Jr., died when Poe was almost 3 years old around the same time as his natural mother, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe (who died on December 8, 1811), but there is no exact date known for his death.

When did Elizabeth Poe die?

December 8, 1811

Who were Edgar Allan Poe's birth parents and what happened to them?

Edgar Allan Poe's birth parents were Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. His father, David Poe Jr., abandoned the family when Edgar was very young, and his mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, died when he was just two years old. He was then taken in by the Allan family, who raised him but never formally adopted him.

What did poes mother do for livivng?

Poe's mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, was an English actress. She was known for her talent on the stage and performed in various theatrical productions during her career.

What is Edgar Allan's parents names?

Edgar Allan Poe's parents were David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe. Both of his parents were actors.

Poe was orphaned by how many mothers?

Poe was orphaned by two mothers – his birth mother, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe, who passed away when he was very young, and his foster mother, Frances Allan, who took care of him after his father abandoned the family and his mother died.

To what county did Poe's mother move from America?

Edgar Allan Poe's natural mother, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe, was born in England and moved to the United States with her widowed mother at eight years of age.