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Gutenberg invented Movable Type printing- using a printing press- the usual manually operated , somewhat guillotine-like up and down type was actually out earlier but Gutenberg pioneered movable type- wood type, wood and metal composite- it went through a variety of trials and errors. The Gutenberg Bible was published in l45l, this is the first major book printed by movable type. Earlier Bibles were laboriously hand-scribed with such things as illuminated manuscripts- it is possible stencils were used to get uniform curlicues- but The Gutenberg Bible was the first printed with movable type.

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What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

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What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?The effect of Johann's new machine was because ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Also Literacy rates increased.

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Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press

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The Gutenberg press. See link.

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Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing machine around 1440, known as the Gutenberg press. This invention revolutionized the spread of knowledge and played a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.

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The printing press was developed in the mid 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg also invented a process for mass producing movable type.

What is Johannes Gutenberg best known for?

Johannes Gutenberg is a German goldsmith who is best known for his invention of the printing press, a machine that revolutionized the literature industry. He completed this printing press in the year of 1440.

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The first printing machine using movable type was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 in Germany. This invention revolutionized the way information was shared and helped pave the way for the spread of knowledge during the Renaissance and beyond.

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