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There were Witnesses of Jehovah God long before Jesus was on earth. Really, anyone who serves Jehovah God, is 'by-nature' one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually, in The Bible, Able is listed as the first Witness of Jehovah God.

Even Jesus is called in Revelation as 'a faithful witness'. Therefore Jesus was also a Witness of Jehovah God.

Answer: No human started Jehovah's Witnesses. Not even Jesus started it on earth. I suppose that really Jehovah God himself started it, by CREATING Humans to BE HIS WITNESSES. Jehovah didn't want Adam & Eve to be witnesses of his adversary, Satan.

If you are just limiting your question to modern times - - - well, the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses, was available for anyone before 1931. But no one wanted anything to do with that name 'Jehovah'. They had all been taught to worship his son, Jesus. For many people, just the word 'Jehovah' is an aversion (meaning it makes their stomach crawl).

But there was a group that called themselves 'Bible Students'. They saw that many Bible translations deleted God's personal name from their Bibles. This bothered them. So in 1931 they drew up a Resolution; and determined to being called by what they really already were, Witnesses of Jehovah God. To shorten it up, they called themselves: Jehovah's Witnesses.

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