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Q: When did Mendel figure out about recessive traits?
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In Mendel's experiment why did traits show up in the f1 generation that were not present in the f1 generation?

the traits were recessive

In which generation were recessive traits visible Mendel's experiments?

F2 Generation

What did Mendel call the observed trait and the trait that seemed to disappear?

he called the observed traits dominant and the disapear traits recessive.

Gregor Mendel is studied in this course because he?

did research on dominant and recessive traits.

Mendel accounted for the observation that traits which had disappeared in the F1 generation reappeared in the F2 generation by proposing that?

C) traits can be dominant or recessive, and the recessive traits were obscured by the dominant ones in the F1

What was Mendel's main contribution to hereditary science?

Gregor Mendel showed the way dominant and recessive traits are inherited and expressed.

In which generation were recessive traits visible in a few plants in Mendel's experiment?

F2 generation

In which generation were recessive traits hidden in all the plants in Mendel's experiment?

f2 generation

In which generation were recessive traits visible in a few plants in Mendel experiments?

F2 generation

In which generation were recessive traits visible in a few plants in Mendel's experiments?

F2 generation

Who is the scientist that discovered dominant and recessive traits?

Gregor Johann Mendel: see The Mendelevian Genetics of Inheritance.

How did Mendel influence the history of Genetics?

Mendel showed that traits may be recessive or dominant and also showed through his experiments that traits are inherited independently and hence, influenced the history of genetics.