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Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the cave of Hira which is some kilometers off Makkah in the year 612 AD. It was month of Ramadan.

The Revelation of the book Quran Started around the year 610 AD at Ghaar-e-Hiraa (The Cave of Hiraa) when Muhammad (peace be upon him) was praying to GOD, God's Angel Gabriel took the message of God to Muhammad and told him to read, Muhammad replied that he didn't know how to read so he squeezed him in his arms and ask him again to read. it happens like this for three times, than the first word that was reveled in quran was "Iqra" means "Read" .

In 622 CE, he left Mecca with his followers (due to sufferings in Mecca and being subject to assassination plot) to a city in the north named Yathrib (later Medina), where another Muslim community had begun to grow. The date of this emigration. Thee year 622 CE, is the beginning year for the Muslim calendar.

Revelation of Quran to Mohamed continued until his death in year 632 CE.

Note: Name Muhammad may be spelled as Mohamed or Muhammed or Mohammad

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First God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel was in year 610 AD.

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