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Q: When did Native Americans create their own Constitution?
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Why did the constitution view native Americans as a foreign government?

Because the native Americans count as there own state.

When the constitution was written did the opening phrase We the people refer to all people living in America?

No, it excluded women, slaves, native americans, and white men who didn't own property.

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The Native Americans made up there own sign language

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That African Americans needed to create their own communities.

What types jobs did native Americans have?

They own casinos

How did the treaty of Greenville affect the rights of native Americans?

Native Americans felt angry that the United States demanded their own land. Some Native Americans were forced to sell their lands to companies. The lives of the Native Americans will never be the same again.

Why did Native Americans fight Americans?

Well. think of the common sense. Native Americans lost their own lands and was forced to reserved areas by the invaders "Americans".

What does a state create to organize their own power?

state constitution

What are two ways the native americans got food?

Native Americans got their foods by either hunting animals or growing their own food.

What was a major source of conflict between English colonists and Native Americans?

The Europeans wanted to own and develop the land, whereas the Native Americans believe the land was for everyone, not for one individual to own.