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It's an expression to show that Nero was a terrible, selfish emperor of Rome. The expression is "When Rome was burning, Nero fiddled." Rome had a huge fire and burned down while Nero was the leader and he did nothing to help the cause and was very interested in the arts and played the violin so they came up with that statement to show how much he didn't care about the people.

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Q: When did Nero fiddle?
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This city burned while Nero sat and played his fiddle?

Rome. But Nero was not playing a fiddle, that is a complete myth.

What instrument did Nero play while Rome was burning?

Tradition has is that Nero played a fiddle while Rome burned. This story is highly speculative. A fiddle is another name for a violin.

Did Nero play the lyre while rome was burning?

According to legend, Nero, although the more famous version states that he played the fiddle while Rome burned (although the fiddle hadn't been invented yet).

Is the myth of Nero playing the fiddle while rome burned down true?

The fiddle wasn't invented for another 1,500 years.

Legend says that the emperor Nero played a fiddle miles from Rome while the city?

That legend is just that, an urban legend about Nero. Nero never played the fiddle while Rome burned. For one the violin had not been invented in Nero's time. He did play his lyre and try to compose a poem about the burning of Troy during the fire, but this was out of a sense of frustration and helplessness, as he could do nothing to check the fire.

Who was said to have played the fiddle while rome burnt?

No Roman emperor played the fiddle while Rome burned. There is a misconception that Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned due to a misinterpretation of a line in a historical work dating from the Victorian era. The author said Nero was "fiddling around", meaning that he was doing trivial things to keep occupied while waiting for reports of the fire to come in. The uneducated jumped on this and the rumor began, despite the fact that the violin had not even been invented in Nero's time.

Who did Nero blame for the fire that destroyed much of rome?

Nero blamed theChristiansto deflect blame from himself. That he started the fire is just an allegation. The suspicions arose because after the fire he built his wast Golden House (Domus Aurea). That he payed the fiddle during the fire was adistortionby later historians. The fiddle did not exist in his days.Nerodid his best to help the people affected by the fire.

What does Nero fiddled while Rome burned mean?

Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. For one, the violin had not been invented in his time. Nero was an artistic person, and it's said that when he found that there was nothing he could do to quench the fire, he was inspired to compose a poem about the burning of Troy. Now, poetry in the ancient world was sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. So that's about all he could do musically.

Who fiddles while Rome burned?

Nobody. The fiddle or violin had not been invented at that time. You are probably thinking of the emperor Nero who played his lyre and sang about the burning of Troy as he helplessly watched the fire.

Did the great fire of Rome cause controversy?

That Nero burnt Rome to build his imperial palace (which was the size of a small town) was an allegation. The only historian who lived at the time of Nero (Tacitus) wrote that Nero was not in Rome when the fire broke out and that he did his best to help the victims, going through the rubble with his bare hands, providing shelter in his palace and financing the relief efforts. The story of Nero playing the fiddle during the fire is an anachronistic legend. The fiddle did not exist in his days.

What events happened for Nero to become Emperor of Rome?

he burnt down rome thats how it became the burning of rome Nero's burning of Rome was an allegation. It is likely that the fire was accidental. Fires were common as the city was overcrowded, densely packed and with narrow alleys, and timber was used in construction. Some later writers were biased. They said that Nero played the fiddle during the fire. The fiddle did not exist in his days. Major events in Nero's life were: Matricide. Nero ordered his mother's murder The Great Fire of Rome War with the Persians and a peace treaty with them The First Jewish War, a rebellion in Judea which was suppressed Boudicca's rebellion in Britannia The Pisonian conspiracy, a plot to overthrow Nero which was foiled The revolt of Vingex, governor of central Gaul, against taxation. It ended with his defeat in battle The revolt of Galba, governor of northern Spain. Nero supporters deserted him and he tired to commit suicide, could not do it and got someone to kill him

Whats the Slang name for a violin?
