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On 30 July 1891, Nikola Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

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Q: When did Nikola Tesla become a us citizen?
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Why did Nikola Tesla become a US citizen?

The main reason is that he was told he would get a better chance to make his inventions possible. He learned from his university teacher that his ideas would not be welcome where he went to college.

Who taught Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla had teachers like rest of us since kindergarten up to college.

When did Nikola Tesla's mom died?

The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

How did Nikola Tesla's mother die?

The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

Where did Nikola Tesla settled in the US?

New York

What did Nikola Tesla do for us?

Tesla invented the alternating current. He tried to provide free electricity.

When and how did nikola teslas siters die?

The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

Who did Nikola Tesla first work for when he came to the US?

He worked with Edison.

Has electricity ever been free in the US?

Yes, when Nikola Tesla was around.

What country did Nikola Tesla reside in?

He was a Serb who immigrated to the US where he lived the rest of his life.

Where did Nikola Tesla and his family mostly lived?

After Tesla emigrated to the US, he mostly lived in New York. His family stayed in Croatia where he was born.

Where did Nikola Tesla invent the Robotics?

In 1898 he showed his remote control bote which he did so in the US.