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Pangaea started to break up during the Triassic Period. It continued to split apart in the Jurassic Period and was almost complete in breaking up in the Cretaceous Period. After that it formed into the landmasses that we see today.

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Q: When did Pangea start to drift apart?
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What did wegener think had happened to his super continent?

Wegener proposed the theory of Pangea (the supercontinent) and continental drift. Continental drift is what split Pangea apart.

Pangea broke apart and the land masses drifting creating a process called?

Continental drift.

The pieces of the supercontinent pangea began to drift apart about 225 million years ago?

yes it drifted apart about 225 million years ago:)

When did pangea start to break apart?

200 million years ago

What resulted in the formation of the super continent?

D) Continental drift, Pangea

Is continental drift and Pangaea the same thing that happend in or on the continents?

yes and no, the continental drift is Wegener's idea that the continents slowly moved apart. Pangea is the name of all the continents. Pangaea means "all lands"

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Which continents moved apart during the time period 100 - 200 million years ago?

Pangea began to drift apart about 200 million years ago. Pangea split into two smaller continents: Gondwana and Laurasia. These continents lasted from about 200 million years ago to 100 million years ago.

What theory supports the idea of the continental drift?

the breaking down of pangea

What theory explained how earth was once a single?

When the continents were said to be one land mass, it is called Pangea by scientists. Continental drift was when the Earth's plates moved and drifted slowly apart.

What is pangea and how did it become apart?

Pangea is the name of the supercontinent that existed on earth billions of years ago. Through plate tectonics, parts of Pangea drifted apart to form the continents we know today.