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The first of Patricia Bath's four patents related to the Laserphaco Probe was Number 4744360, issued May 17, 1988.

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Q: When did Patricia E Bath get her first patent for the Laserphaco Probe?
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What did Patricia E Bath invent?

Patricia Bath is the first African American female doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention, the laserphaco probe. She is an American, born in Harlen, New York in November 1942.

When did the Laserphaco Probe start being used in Italy Germany and India?

I first began using laserphaco on human cadaver eyes in Germany in 1986. The first laser phaco probe was invented and patented by me in 1986. Various modifications were commercialized by others in the 1990's. Patricia E. Bath, MD

What did Dr Patricia E Bath invent?

She discovered and invented a new device and technique for cataract surgery. It is known as laserphaco. It happened in 1986.

Patricia E Bath is the first what?

Patricia Bath became the first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.Patricia Bath's patent was for a method for removing cataract lenses that transformed eye surgery by using a laser device making the procedure more accurate. Patricia Bath's dedication to the treatment and prevention of blindness led her to develop the Cataract Laserphaco Probe. The probe patented in 1988, was designed to use the power of a laser to quickly and painlessly vaporize cataracts from patients' eyes, replacing the more common method of using a grinding, drill-like device to remove the afflictions. With another invention, Bath was able to restore sight to people who had been blind for over 30 years. Patricia Bath also holds patents for her invention in Japan, Canada, and Europe.

Who were the first African American inventors to receive a patent?

Patricia Bath

What is patricia Era bath major accomplishments with dates?

In 1960 Patricia Era Bath won Mademoiselle magazine's Merit Award for her contribution to a cancer research project at Yeshiva University and Harlem Hospital Center. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry in 1964. In 1968 she received her doctoral degree. From 1970 to 1973 she became the first African American to serve a residency in ophthalmology. She co-founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness in 1978. In 1981 she invented the Laserphaco Probe to aid in laser cataract removal. With its 1988 patent she became the first African American female to gain a medical patent. In 1983 she became the first female head of residency in ophthalmology. She was elected the first woman on UCLA's honorary staff in 1993. In 2000 she gained a patent for treating cataracts with ultrasound.

What are Patricia Era Bath's accomplishments?

Patricia Bath was the first African-American woman to have her first patent, she also was the first to use a laser to get rid of cataract in the lense of someones eye.

What is patricia bath mother name?

Patricia Era Bath; she was a ophthalmologist and the first African American doctor to receive a patent.

Who was the first American Femals doctor?

The previous answer of Patricia Bath is incorrect. Patricia Bath is the first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention. Patricia Bath's patent (no. 4,744,360), a method for removing cataract lenses, transformed eye surgery, using a laser device making the procedure more accurate.

Who was the first african female doctor?

The previous answer of Patricia Bath is incorrect. Patricia Bath is the first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention. Patricia Bath's patent (no. 4,744,360), a method for removing cataract lenses, transformed eye surgery, using a laser device making the procedure more accurate.

What did patricia bath receive her first patent for?

"Apparatus for ablating and removing cataract lenses," filed in 1986 and issued in 1988.

Who was the first African American female doctor?

Shirley Chisholm