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I'm not sure of the exact date, but they started revolting in 1821, and were independent in 1830. The leader of the revolution was Simon Bolivar, who came from Colombia.
Independent from Spain on July 5, 1811. From Gran Columbia on January 13, 1830. Recognised on march 30, 1845.

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Q: When did Venezuela gain its independence?
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When did Venezuela gain independence?

Venezuela gain Independence in the 1830

What year did Venezuela gain independent?

in the year 1811 venezuela gain theirindepent from spain

Who helped gain independence for Venezuela?

simon bolivar

Who did Venezuela gain independence from?

They gained independence from Spain in 1830 with Simon Bolivar leading it.

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What was Simón Bolívar fighting for?

to gain independence for Venezuela and other South American countries

Who was known as The Liberator because he helped Venezuela Colombia Panama and Ecuador gain their independence?

Simon Bolivar

When did Venezuela obtain its independence from its colonists?

Venezuela obtained its independence from its colonists in July 5, 1811.

Date of independence of Venezuela?

Venezuela declared their independence on July 5th, 1811 creating The First Republic.

Who did Venezuela gain its independence from?

From Spain The independence war was directed by Simon Bolivar, libertador of other countries like Colombia

What does the star on the Venezuela flag mean?

They mean our eight provinces those signed the Venezuela´s independence agreement when Venezuela got its independence from Spain.

When did Venezuela get its independence?

Venezuela declared their independence on July 5th, 1811.