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Q: When did dr.mark dean invent computer?
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Drmark dean is a smart African American man who created computers?

That's the anser of who he is

What did mark e dean invent?

Mark E Dean is a computer scientist and he invented the IBM computers

What did Mark Dean invent?

Mark Dean is credited with inventing the personal computer. He holds at least 20 patents, including three of the original patents IBM had for the personal computer.

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Philip Emeagwali did not invent the computer

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He did not invent the home computer. IBM did.

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He didn't invent the computer, he invented the telephone.

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christopher sholes did not invent the computer he invented the typewirter

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so people with diabeies can live.

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How did they invent YouTube?

With a computer.

Was it not a Bulgarian who invented the computer?

No, a Bulgarian did not invent the computer