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Right off the start there were free African American's involved in the war.

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Q: When did free African American's first take part in the revolution?
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How did Washington change his enlistment policy during the revolution?

by allowing FREE African Americans to join the army

When did free African Americans hold their first convention?

In 1830

Why did African Americans the revolution?

They were forced to fight or the free slaves just wanted to fight because they could have cared.

What and where was the first free school for African Americans?

Hamilton Otterville Il

Slave owners created diffuculties for free African Americans because?

In the south there were no "free African Americans ". All African Americans in the southern states were slaves. Therefore, slaves owners didn't create problems for free African Americans because they never met a free slaves.

What did some free African Americans fight for?

freedom for other african americans

What was the first African newspaper?

The very first African-American owned and operated newspaper was Freedom's Journal. First published in 1827, it mostly appealed to the free African-Americans at the time.

What African country was created by free African Americans?


What African American was born into a free family and the first African American to serve in congress he was a moderate politican who supported both African Americans and whites?


Were all African-Americans slaves?

Not all African Americans were slaves. Many were free African Americans while others were so light in their skin color so they could pass as a white. Some free African Americans owned slaves themselves.

How did the Revolution affect African-Americans?

For many it gave them the false hope that they would also be free. <---? NO. Well, o____o This is MY answer. The American Revolution affected them by bringing changes for them on BOTH sides. Many FREE African American's in the United States went into bussiness as artisans and merchants. In northern cities like Boston, New york, and Philadelphia, African American's established communities.

What rights did free African-Americans have?
