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The earliest that we know of was the Greek astronomer and mathematician Aristarchus of Samos, about 280BCE. His writings actually did not survive the middle ages, but references to his work in other books did. It's possible that some people earlier came up with the idea, but we're not aware of it.

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We're not sure. The ancient Greeks knew that the Earth was spherical, and had calculated its size pretty accurately; Aristarchus of Samos knew that the Earth moved around the Sun. Whether they came up with the ideas themselves or got it from the earlier Babylonians and Phoenicians, we cannot know for certain.

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I'm not sure if he was the first or not, but Herodotus correctly interpreted an anecdote as implying the Earth was spherical. He even calculated the size, and got extremely close to the correct value.

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about what time did man first relize the spherical nature of the earth and what fostered this realization?

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The first that we know of was Aristarchus of Samos, about 2400 years ago. His ideas were not widely accepted, and Aristotle's concept of an Earth-centered universe was adopted.

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