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Neanderthals didn't start using fire. It was the Homo Erectus who came before them that discovered fire. Homo sapien Neanderthalensis or Neanderthal used fired from the beginning to end of their time period.

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1mo ago

Neanderthals are believed to have first started using fire around 400,000 to 300,000 years ago based on evidence found at various archaeological sites. The controlled use of fire allowed them to cook food, stay warm, and protect themselves from predators, showing advanced cognitive abilities.

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12y ago

They discovered fire when some wood was struck by lightning

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How did neanderthals makes fire?

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Benjamin Franklin started the first fire department, the Union Fire Company, in Philadelphia in 1736. The volunteer company used bucket brigades at first, then they started using a horse drawn buggy with a fire pump and hoses on it.

Did neanderthals eat raw meat?

At times, maybe. But they did have fire.

What did neanderthals use fire for?

Cooking, warmth, protection from wild animals.

What did the neanderthals use fire for?

Cooking, warmth, protection from wild animals.

Which human ancestors lived in caves and built fires?

One human ancestor that lived in caves and built fires was Homo erectus. They were among the first hominins to control fire and were known for using caves as shelters. Neanderthals also lived in caves and were skilled at making and controlling fire.

What are the neanderthals like?

Neanderthals were a species of ancient humans who lived in Europe and parts of Asia. They were well-adapted to cold climates, with robust bodies and large brains. They are known for their tool-making abilities and for using fire. Researchers believe they had complex social structures and may have had some form of language.