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Q: When did the 17th cetury witch craze decline?
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Why was there a 17th century witch craze?

I think there was witch craze in the 17th century because; 1 It was good money to find them 2. I think people like torturing people and 3 Anyone could a job as a witch finder joe is aresome I think there was witch craze in the 17th century because; 1 It was good money to find them 2. I think people like torturing people and 3 Anyone could a job as a witch finder joe is aresome

Why did witchcraft trials decline in 17TH century?

it never has because im a witch and i would be dead

When did the witch trials occur?

The Salem witch trials took place from June to October of the 17th century

Witch 17th century leader banned Christmas?

Oliver Cromwell

When did the witch hunts happen?

In the late 16th century and beginning of the 17th century.

Matthew Hopkins 17th century?

why did matthew hopkins want to become a witch hunter?

Witch country does the word yoghurt come from?

From an early 17th century Turkish word 'yogurt'

Witch hunt 17th century?

Witch hunt is a hunt performed by witch hunters who explore new things about witches in 17th century.Anybody who was different from the society was called witch especially womans because of the original sin. i hope you are satisfied with this answer! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you are wrong. they knew people were witches because witches are GREEN. and wear HATS. and have BLACK CATS and have WARTS. an BIG NOSES. honestly -.- and are called mr lambert.

Why was there a witch craze in the 17th century?

Witch-hunting in the 17th centuryYes, especially in Calvinist parts of the world, such as Cromwellian England, parts of Hungary and New England witch-hunting was an evil past-time in the period from about 1600-1720 or so. There certainly was but the question is Why?It was also strong in France & other Catholic countries.Hugh Trevor-Roper writes (in 1959) of a "General Crisis in the 17th Centuries" characterised by wars, epidemics & poor harvests as well as ideological conflicts & sees the surge in witchcraft persecutions as one aspect of this. The clash between opposing Christains was far more destructive with the Thirty Years War resulting in a 20-255 casualty rate in Germany.

How do you spot a witch in 17th century?

They often didn't fit in; they owned cat; they worked with herbs and medicine.

Can the Salem witch trials be considered an innovation?

No. Just a repetition of religious paranoia that plagued the 16th and 17th centuries.

Where did the infamous 17th century American witch trials take place?

SalemSalem, Massachusettsas well as Connecticut, England, Scotland, and Germany.