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Little confusion with your question. First of all: It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.

Secondly, the Byzantine Rite is every bit a part of the Catholic Church as the Latin Rite, and the largest - after the Latin Rite. Byzantine Catholics are just as much Catholics and under jurisdiction of the Pope in Rome and Latin Rite Catholics are. I think you are confusing Byzantine Catholics with Orthodox Christians. This is one reason why no one should ever use the term "Roman Catholic", it is a misleading misnomer, and wasn't very nice either when the English starting using it.

Short answer - the Byzantine Rite never left the Catholic Church.

Pope Innocent XI was an outstanding Bishop of the Catholic Church and Pope from 1676 to 1689. He

spent most of his adult life helping the poor. Upon his election as Pope, he took on the enormous task of reducing the annual deficit of the Curia, and actually within a few years had all expenses under the income of the Vatican. He struggled with the absolutism of King Louis XIV of France. King Louis, in an effort to appear a zealous Catholic undertook a ruthless extermination of protestants. Pope Innocent expressed his extreme displeasure and continued to bring the King in line.

Pope Innocent was intent on preserving the purity of faith and morals among the clergy and the faithful. He insisted on a thorough education and an exemplary life of the clergy, reformed the monasteries of Rome, issued guidelines on women's dress, suppressed gambling houses, and encourage frequent and even daily Communion. He suppressed laxism

in moral theology, condemned probabilism,

condemned Quietistic

propositions and in general was an outstanding Pope.

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Q: When did the Byzantine and Roman Catholics leave each other?
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