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Q: When did the Europeans start enslaving africans?
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Why did Europeans bring West Africans to the Americas?

The Europeans brought Africans to the Americas to run sugar plantations thus enslaving them.

How did slaveowners justify enslaving africans?

Slaveowners justified enslaving Africans by promoting racist ideologies that deemed African people as inferior and better suited for servitude. They also used economic arguments, claiming that slavery was necessary for the economy and that Africans were better off enslaved. Additionally, they often cited legal and religious justifications to control and exploit African labor.

What was the practice of enslaving Africans after the revolution?

it was eliminated in the north

Who settled in the Americas first africans or Europeans?

Europeans, after columbuses discovery. europeans then (in late 1600s) introduced the africans into the Americas as slaves

For what kind of work did Europeans use Africans?

The kind of works that the Africans do for Europeans are farming crops. The Europeans donâ??t usually trust the Africans for them to be the middle man that is why they are usually placed on farms.

Who sold the Africans to the Europeans and Muslims?

Mostly other Africans.

Why did the Europeans start importing African slaves?

Because the Africans were offering them for sale and there was a market for them in America (they were not imported into Europe).

Did Africa enslave other Race of people?

No, Africa did not enslave other races of people. The transatlantic slave trade involved the forced transportation and enslavement of Africans by Europeans and Americans, primarily from the 16th to 19th centuries. While there were instances of slavery within Africa prior to the arrival of Europeans, it was not based on race but on social, economic, or political factors.

What can you infer about the Europeans' attitude towards Africans from the Berlin Conference?

The Europeans thought the Africans couldn't handle the government themselves.

What can you infer about the europeans attitude toward africans from the Berlin conference?

The Europeans thought the Africans couldn't handle the government themselves.

What can you infer about the europeans attitude toward africans from Berlin conference?

The Europeans thought the Africans couldn't handle the government themselves.

What can you infer about the Europeans' attitude toward africans from the Berlin Conference?

The Europeans thought the Africans couldn't handle the government themselves.