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Some Jews were physically attacked and even killed in public places already in 1933, but the numbers were small at that stage. When the Nazis took over Austria in March 1938 there was an explosion of Jew-baiting in parts of Vienna: many Jews were beaten up and some were forced to sweep the streets with toothbrushes while onlookers hooted with laughter. The next major series of physical attacks was in November 1938 (Night of the Broken Glass). Bear in mind that there was physical violence against practically all inmates in concentration camps. In other words, violence had been used long before the start of World War 2.

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12y ago

The Nazis didn't attack the Jews as in a military battle. The slowly began to limit their freedoms and spread propagander against them. They started to harass their businesses and forced many to leave the country before the war began.

Hitler came to power in January 1933 and the Nazis began their campaign against the Jews just over two months later. In April 1933, most Jews were dismissed from employment in the public sector, excluded from universities and colleges and banned from working in the media. It was the start of a hailstorm of anti-Jewish decrees.


1938 Kristallnacht. Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, but his actual attack on the Jews was on the "Night of Broken Glass" when all Jewish shops and synagoges (Jewish places of worship) were destroyed on November 9 1938. The first major action against Jews was Kristallnacht. Hundreds were murdered and 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.


The word attack is misleading ... Nazi persecution of the Jews began in 1933 and there were many instances of physical violence against Jews (and murders) before the Night of Broken Glass. (See related question).

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The first planned attack against the Jews in Germany came just weeks after the Nazis were elected in 1933, with the boycotting of Jewish businesses.

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Nazis transported the Jews by train mostly.

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The Nazis claimed that the Jews has supported the allies in the First World War. Also, the Nazis feared the growth of the Jewish population and Jewish influence.

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Nazis and Jews are not alike in any way. Those people who say or believe that Nazis and Jews are alike are not only wrong, they are intolerant and bigoted. Nazis, the followers of Adolph Hitler, discriminated against Jews, and murdered or tortured many Jews in the Holocaust. Ask any Holocaust survivor, and they will tell you how the Nazis harmed the Jews. They will also tell you that Jews are not Nazis, and are not like the Nazis in any way.

When and what were the first measures taken by the Nazis against the jews?

The first thing the Nazis did to the Jews was put them in cincentration camps to be re-educated, this started as soon as Hitler became chancellor and was given the Enabling act in 1933.

When was Charlie Chaplin's the great dictator made?

In 1940. It was the first Hollywood feature to attack Adolf Hitler, and about the only one that explicitly mentioned Jews as victims of the Nazis for almost two decades.

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because they folowd him and agreed with what he did and he was baming the Jews for the first world war