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Q: When did the Roman's first start using bricks?
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Did the early Greeks use concrete?

No, the Greeks were using bricks to build. It was the Romans that later on discovered the concrete.

Why did they start using bricks to build The Great Wall of China?

The Ming started usually bricks to build the great wall of China because bricks were more sturdy and stronger then rammed earth and stones.

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Why they are not using metric brick and why they are using british bricks?

Maybe they are finding 'british bricks' to be cheaper, or better quality.

When did people start using indoor plumbing for bathing?

About 2,000 years ago the Romans started using indoor plumbing.

Who found the concrete technology?

The Romans are credited for using concrete first.

Was the Romans the first people to use limestone?

No, the Egyptians were using limestone at least a thousand years before the Romans came on the scene.

How do you get medieval bricks?

Same way you get modern ones, but without the aid of any powered tools or machinery. Clay bricks are a certain quality of mud shaped into a mold and then dried and fired in a kiln. Stone bricks are cut and shaped from chunks of rock using tools. Concrete bricks are formed of an aggregate of special types of sand or gravel, and limestone powder. (Concrete has been around since the time of the Romans, who used it a lot.)

How to build a pool using bricks?

A pool can be build using bricks by digging out a large, pool-shaped hole and lining it with bricks. This provides a secure base which can then be covered with a vinyl liner and then filled with water.

What do you measure the mass with a box of bricks?

Using a scale, the box of bricks, and the object, keep putting bricks or pieces of bricks until the scales balance. Find out how many bricks you put and multiply by the mass of one brick and you got the mass of the object.

How do you build miniature Hadrians wall with foam bricks?

Foam bricks can be laid as you would lay the bricks used to build houses. As the foam bricks are very light, and easily knocked over, it would be an advantage to glue the bricks with PVA as they are laid (the same as using mortar to bond bricks).

Evaluate the use of concrete to make a path rather than using bricks?

it will last longer and its much more even then bricks