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Seth Thomas started in the clock business in the year 1807 but he didn't start his own clock company till a few years latter in 1812. Which he ran until his death in 1859.

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Q: When did the Seth Thomas Clock Company first make clocks?
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How did clocks improved?

first there were wind up clock, the battery opporated clock, and now electric clocks

What was the first type of clocks?

The sundial was the first type of clock ever used

Who invented sand clocks?

the maker and the first sand clock is unknown

First clock invented?

The first clocks ever used were actually invented by the Egyptians. These clocks were sun dials that used the shadows to tell time.

Who invented the first clock in what year?

They originally used sundials in ancient times (no exact year). Some report water clocks as far back as 4000 BC. As for the very first clock, none of the first clocks survived from 13th century Europe so it is known conclusively who the individuals were or what the clocks were.

What are the contribution of Egyptians in the development of science?

They developed the first clocks (THE EGYPTIAN WATER CLOCK)

When was the first analog clock invented?

In Greek and Roman times, water clocks were used.

Where does the clock come from?

It is unknown exactly where a clock comes from. The first clocks were called sundials and they have been used since ancient times.

Who created clock?

It is unknown who created the clock. The first clocks were known as sundials. They were used by using the sun to cast a shadow on the ground.

Who invented digital clocks?

the first digital clock was invented by Peter Petrov in 1968 The patent for the mechanism used in Pennwood and Lawson digital clocks was granted to Frederick A. Greenawalt, an employee of the Pennwood Company. Greenawalt's patent was issued in February 1935. Lawson stated selling digital clocks in 1934.

When was the clock equipped with the minute hand?

clocks got minute hands for the first time in 1680.

What year was the digital clock invented?

The first digital clock was patented in 1903 by Eugene Fitch. The first widely available digital clocks were made by Lawson Clocks, Ltd beginning in 1934. Vintage Lawson clocks, particularly from the art deco period, are quite valuable today. See here: