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A U-2 reconnaissance flight over Cuba on October 15, 1962, captured the first evidence of Soviet SS-4 nuclear missiles being deployed in Cuba.

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Q: When did the U.S. discover nuclear weapons in cuba?
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Did Cuba threaten to release nuclear bomb?

No, Cuba never had control of a large amount of nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union placed them their in reaction to the US placing Nuclear weapons on West Germany, Greece, Turkey, and some pacific island. The US threatened a huge invasion or nuclear strike against Cuba after they discovered the Nuclear weapons in Cuba

Why are having nuclear weapons in Cuba so dangerous to the US?

because Cuba is within 90 miles of Miami and nuclear weapons can easily travel farther than that

Why did the Soviet install offensive nuclear weapons in Cuba?

Because the US already had offensive nuclear weapons in Turkey. They saw it as "balancing" things.

What alerted the US that communism Cuba have become dangerous?

the soviet union had begun to install nuclear weapons in cuba

Why fidel Castro's cuba annoyed the US?

It happened when he received nuclear weapons from Russia.

What country did The US placed nuclear missiles in?

I believe it is in turkey and the US was forced to remove them from turkey because they were threatend by Russian nuclear weapons in Cuba

Why did the US want the Soviet Union to remove it's nuclear weapons from Cuba?

Because the nuclear weapons were missiles that could be deployed to the United States. And they were getting ready to launch them. this is lies

Why did the USSR put nuclear weapons in Cuba?

The Soviet Union lent Cuba nuclear missiles in order to protect the sovereignty of Cuba, a communist nation.

The US blockaded Cuba to prevent nuclear weapons from being installed there This event was known as the?

Cuban Missile Crisis

How did the Fidel Castro anger US when he first came to power?

He let the Russians bring nuclear weapons to Cuba.

How did people feel about the discovery of nuclear weapons in Cuba?

Actually no nuclear weapons were discovered in Cuba by the US in 1962, only ongoing construction work on missile launch facilities and some strategic missiles (without warheads). The concern was to prevent the USSR from transporting the warheads and the rest of the missiles.The thing that was not discovered was that there were low yield tactical nuclear weapons already on Cuba that would have been used to repel any invasion. When the USSR agreed to remove the strategic missiles they also secretly removed these tactical nuclear weapons that the US had never been aware of.

Why did Cuba annoy us?

The reason that Cuba annoys us is because they were in real good terms with the Soviet Union during the Cold war. They were supplied with nuclear weapons and were ready to use them on the U.S.