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Q: When did the coureurs des bois first come to Canada?
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Why did the days of the coureurs des bois come to an end?

The days of coureurs des bois ended because the coureurs des bois were bringing to many pelts in so the king set them free

Where did the coureurs des bois come from?


Who did the coureurs de bois first come in contact with?

can everyone plz at either awnser the question for real of not at all! plz!

Why were there no coureurs des bois before 1663. Why did this change. Why did the days of the coureurs des bois come to an end?

They were there before 1663, but only in small numbers. The Sixties however saw a great increase in immigration to Canada from France and with that, a great increase in the number of coureurs des bois. Their days as free agents came to an end even before 1700, because the French Government decided to regulate this trade and gave trade concessions to big trading houses. This system (the so-called 'congé'-system) put the trade in the hands of the traveling representatives of the trading houses, the voyageurs.

What was les coureurs des bois duties in New France?

These are the roles for coureur de bois,Thanks. -keeping with plan, the French tried to develop close trading relationships with native people -they wanted native traders to come to the St. Lawrence -French explorers and coureurs de bois traveled far out into the continent, seeking both furs and the Northwest Passage -independent fur traders -they paid official fees and bribes to look the other way -they traveled the waterways in birch-bark canoes -beginning of the fur brigades -brothers-in-law, Pierre Radisson and Médart de Groseilliers are probably most famous of the coureurs de bois for the great northern sea -when they didn't tell France of their find, they went off the England, where King Charles II sponsored the beginning of the Hudson's Bay Company

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when did the first Nigerian immigrants come to Canada

Why was there an Algonquin?

They were the first to come to Canada!

Who were the first people to come to Canada?

the first people who came to Canada is the first nations or you can call them aboriginals.

Where did the first european settlers come from to Canada?

The first European settlers in Canada were Scandinavians.

When did television come to Canada?

it first arrived in canada in 1952 i hope we have helped you

Who was the first country to come to Canada?

John Smigelski

Who the first Europeans to come to Canada?

eastern europeans