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American flight 11 crashed into the North Tower at aprox. 8:46 am.

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Q: When did the first hijacked American airliner crash into one of the World Trade Center towers?
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Where were the planes that crashed into the twin towers hijacked from?

american airlines

How did the terrorist attack the twin towers?

!. They Hijacked an American Airlines plane. 2. They flew it into the towers.

What happened in the World Trade Center Towers in New York City?

They were brought down by Al-Qaeda terrorists on 11 September 2001 when they hijacked American Flight 11 and United Flight 175 and crashed them into the Twin Towers.

How did the planes crash into The World Trade Center?

The planes were hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorrists and deliberately flown into the towers.

Did hijacked planes crash the twin towers?

the reason why is because the planes were hijacked.

What two buildings fell in 2001?

The twin towers fell in 2001. They were also called the World Trade Center. They were hit by hijacked airplanes.

What year were the Twin Towers destroyed by terrorists?

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were destroyed on September 11, 2001 when two airliners crashed into them.In an earlier attack on February 26, 1993, a truck bomb was exploded in the parking garage under the North Tower.

Where did terrorists try to attack besides the twin towers?

Besides the twin towers or World Trade Center, the Pentagon sustained much damage and loss of life when a hijacked airliner hit it. "Flight 94" while over Pennsylvania was supposed to hit the White House, even though GW Bush was away. Passengers bravely banded together and rushed the hijackers like beleagered Republicans fighting off a Health Care travesty, and forced the airliner to crash in a field. Their sacrifice memorial was later attempted to be hijacked when the planned Memorial was to be in a Cresent Shape in honor of the dead hijackers. Jimmy Carter's Foundation is in a Cresent Shape honoring the money he has taken from Muslims over the years.

How did the Twin Towers fall down?

Hijacked commercial airliners were purposely crashed into them.

Where was the plane departing from when it got hijacked and hit the twin towers?

From my butt crack

How the attacks carried out in the 911?

Hijacked aeroplanes were flown into the Twin Towers by suicide bombers.

How did they attack the twin towers?

Members of al quaeda hijacked aircraft and flew them into the buildings.