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Q: When did the first modern European settlements occur?
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Where did the first permanent human settlements occur?

heck i don't know

How did contact first occur in Pureto Rico?

The first European contact was is 1493.

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The first modern goldrush occurred in California in 1849.

Did europeans settle most of the new world between 1500 and1770?

Many European settlements did occur between the years 1500 and 1770. However, most of the European migration and settlement happened between the 1640s and 1770, as English began to settle the islands in the New World.

When and where did the first plague pandemic occur?

Ethiopia, then went North to Ireland and other European areas including constantinople

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Structured settlements occur when a court orders a company to pay someone it has wrong settlement payments periodically over a long period of time.

What are the classification of settlement according to their pattern?

Settlements can be classified into four main patterns: Linear settlements: Develop along transportation routes like roads or rivers. Clustered settlements: Form in groups around a central point such as a village green or market square. Dispersed settlements: Occur when houses are spread out in a rural area. Nucleated settlements: Develop around a central feature like a church or a castle.

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Tranditionally, the first primary in the nation occur where?

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in england in 1850

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geopolitical map of Europe and provide for the establishment of democracies on nearly the entire European continent.

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The European Parliament meets annually, starting on the second Tuesday in March. Extraordinary part-sessions may occur if the European Council, the European Commission or a majority of the MEPs request it. [Source: Article 229 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union]