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Q: When did the first vertabrates appear?
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In what era did vertabrates appear?

Vertebrates first appeared during the Paleozoic era.

Do warmblooded vertabrates have a backbone?

Yes, they do because they are vertabrates and all vertabrates have a backbone.

Are humans vertabrates or non vertabrates?

we are vertabrates because we have a back bone and internal skeleton

Are jaguars vertabrates?

Yes jaguars are vertabrates.

Why are reptiles the first true land vertabrates?

They do not need water to reproduce.

The very first Vertabrates known were what kind of fish?

A slippery one.

What are some fish vertabrates?

Yes. Fish are vertabrates.

Are bunnies in vertabrates?

Yes, bunnies are vertabrates because they have spines.

Are seahorses vertabrates?

They are both vertebrate, and invertebrate. I know, it is confusing. I was confused at first.

Are lobsters vertabrates?


How can you tell that a lizard has a backbone?

Lizards and all other reptiles are vertabrates. Vertabrates are animals that have backbones.

Is a pelican a vertabrate or invertabrate?

Pelicans are vertabrates because they have backbones. All animals that have backbones are vertabrates.