

When did the incas eat this food?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: When did the incas eat this food?
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What kind of food the incas eat?

the Incas ate Lots of Meat

How do the incas eat their food?

Same way all people eat. They were people.

What Kind of Food did The Inca eat?

the Incas ate Lots of Meat

What do incas eat?

They ate food like corn and Ginny pigs

What kinds of food did Inca eat?

the Incas ate Lots of Meat

Where did the Incas get food?

No they planted hunted and fished. If they had a surplus, it lasted for 3 to 7 years. The surplus happened because it was by accident.

What kind of food do Inca eat?

The Incas ate fish cows feets

What was the Incas food like?

what was the incas food like

What kind of food did the Inca people eat?

The Incas ate lots of vegetables but there traditional food was Guinea pigs.

Did the Incas live in mountains?

Yes, they did. the used to eat cavies (guinea pigs) too!! eat food for life otherwise you will be skinny!

What did the Incas use for transportation wool and food?

The Incas used Llamas for Transportation,wool,and food

What was the Incas diet?

they would eat goat,rat,fish,alpacas,and guinea pigs were raised then killed for food