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Q: When did the light bulb glow the brightest?
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What do you need to make a light bulb glow?

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How does a battery make a light bulb glow?

The flow of electrons from the battery flow through the filament in the bulb causing it to get hot and glow thus producing light.

IF a bulb travels at the speed of light and is turned on will it glow?

It could not travel at the speed of light. But hypothetically, it would glow.

What do gases in a light bulb do?

heat up and glow

How does a candle make a light bulb glow?

it doesn't

In which circuit will the light bulb be the brightest?

the circuit which has the maximum power output

Which light will glow better if 3060 and 100 watt bulb are connected in series?

The lamp with the lowest (30 W) power rating will have the highest resistance, and be subject to the highest voltage drop and, will, therefore, be the brightest.

What light bulb should i use to make things glow in the dark?

A ultra violet light will make things glow.

How do you know that house lights are wired?

When you turn the light switch to the up (on) position, if the bulb is not burned out, the light bulb will glow.

What does a check engine light look like on a Malibu?

its a little light bulb that will light up and make a bright looking thing on your dash that will glow but if the bulb i sburned out then you will have to get a new bulb

What is the brightest white light bulb?

There are bulbs that are designed to be bright.ÊThe wattage of a bulb does not tell how bright it is but is tells the amount of energy it uses.