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The Mesolithic Age began around 10,000 BCE and ended around 5,000 BCE in various regions around the world. This period marked a transitional phase between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, characterized by the development of more advanced tools and technologies.

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Q: When did the mesolithic age start and end?
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What changes occur to mark the end of the mesolithic age?

The end of the Mesolithic Age is marked by the transition to the Neolithic Age, characterized by the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and settled communities. This transition brought about significant changes in human social organization, technology, and lifestyle.

What is the middle age also known as?

The Middle Stone Age is also called the Mesolithic Age or Mesolithic Era.

When did stone age start?

Dates are argued, but around 2.5 million years ago, with the Paleolithic Age, followed by the Mesolithic, then Neolithic.

What does Mesolithic?

stone age

What discoveries were made in the mesolithic age?

In the Mesolithic Age fire was discovered while rubbing two stones together.

What is the middle stone age also known as?

The Middle Stone Age is also called the Middle Paleolithic or Mesolithic Ages. There are two different systems of naming. One has Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, with the Middle Stone Age being equivalent of the Middle Paleolithic Age. The other divides the Stone Age into the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic, the Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic, and the New Stone age or Neolithic.

What year did mesolithic age start?

The Mesolithic Age is generally considered to have started around 10,000 BCE and lasted until the advent of the Neolithic Age around 5,000 BCE. This period marked a transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age, characterized by more advanced tool-making techniques and the beginning of agriculture.

Was The mesolithic age the youngest age?

no it is not the youngest age . it is the middle stone age

When did the Mesolithic begin?

The Mesolithic era began around 10,000 BC at the end of the last Ice Age. This period was marked by the transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to more settled communities and the development of basic agriculture.

When did the mesolithic periond come?

the mesolithic people came to Ireland 7000bc. mesolithic means middle stone age. they used stone tools for dowing their work. the are olso callde hunter-gatherers.the came from britine and France.

What is Mesolithic age?

"Mesolithic" means "Middle Stone Age." However, the prefix "meso-" in the word can mean "between," and this has been taken some scientists to refer to cultures in between a hunter-gathering mode and an agricultural mode. The Mesolithic era begins at the end of the Pleistocene epoch and the start of the Holocene, the most recent geologic epoch. The Mesolithic era was an unusual transition time between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic. Because the period was relatively short, Mesolithic artifacts are relatively hard to come by, consisting mainly of middens, or scrap-heaps. In coastal areas around the world, there are large shell middens dating to the Mesolithic era. In British Columbia, there is a midden several meters in depth which has been around for at least 10,000 years.

Did the mesolithic age use stone tools?

Yes, the Mesolithic age was characterized by the use of stone tools. However, these tools were more advanced and refined compared to those used in the Paleolithic age. The Mesolithic period also saw the introduction of tools made from bone and antler.