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The Mongol invasions of Japan (元寇 Genkō?) of 1274 and 1281 were major military efforts undertaken by Kublai Khan to conquer the Japanese islands after the submission of Goryeo (Korea) to vassaldom. Ultimately a failure, the invasion attempts are of macrohistorical importance because they set a limit on Mongol expansion and rank as nation-defining events in Japanese history.

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By the water and using the ships

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Q: When did the mongols try to invade japan?
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you answer it or my mom wont go to you (charlie's respawns not theres)

Judge this statement the Mongol should never have tried to invade Japan?

The statement of: The Mongols should never have tried to invade Japan is a good and strong statement which can be backed up with numerous facts.

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Bad weather. It is believed that typhoons destroyed most of the fleet sent to invade.

Did the mongols try to take over Japan?

cause they where to lazy to take Asia

Where did the mongols invade?

the mongolian's invaded in 3000bc. hope i helped

What contributed to the failed Mongol invasions of Japan?

The Japanese climate and island makeup contributed to the Mongols' failure to invade it. They were unused to the weather and the islands proved harder to get to than expected.

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The Mongols