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Q: When did the persians destroy the Parthenon?
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Why did the Athenians build the Parthenon?

Celebrate victory over the Persians

What was the purpose to build the Parthenon?

to celebrate the victory over the Persians

What was the Parthenon's purpose?

The purpose was to show gratitude to Athena for helping conquering the Persians.

Describe the importance of the Parthenon?

it was very important because i don't know

Who destroyed the Persians?

Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and converted it into an empire of his own, not to destroy the Persians but to convert them to Greek culture.

When did the greeks rebuild the acropolis after the Persian war?

The Parthenon amongst others was built on the top of the Acropolis. The Parthenon was a temple of Athena, patron goddess of Athens.

When was the Parthenon burned down the 1st time?

The Athenians began the construction of a building that was burned by the Persians while it was still under construction in 480 BCE.

What war was the Parthenon in?

Parthenon was there in both the first [490 BCE] and the second [480 BCE] Persian Greek wars but was destroyed by the Persians when they entered the evacuated city of Athens just before the naval battle of Salamis where the Greeks won the Persian and Phoenician fleets.

How were the Greek Parthenon's built?

The Greek Parthenon began to be built in 447 BC and finally finished in 438 BC. It was built as a symbol of Athen's strength after defeating the Persians in the Persian war. It was also built to honor the goddess Athena. The Parthenon wasn't built completely straight, however. It was built with the top pillars leaning inward so that at a distance, it would appear straight (optical illusion).

During which war was the Parthenon destroyed?

The temple of Parthenon as we know it today was the third temple build on top of the Athens Acropolis. This third temple was build by Pericles between 447 and 438 BC as a trophy for the victory of Hellenes against the invading Persians who had destroyed the second temple just before the naval battle of Salamis. When the Persians destroyed the Acropolis of Athens and Parthenon it was late September of 480 BC. The third temple survived the birth of Christianity and was turn to a Christian church in the 6th century AD. Later under the Ottoman occupation the temple was turned to a mosque. When Venice became the power of the Aegean sea the Ottomans converted the Acropolis to a military camp with all the high rank Ottoman/ Turks citizens. The Acropolis was bombarded by Morozini and the temple was partially destroyed. Later just before the Greek Independence war the Earl of Elgin bought parts of the Parthenon marbles and sold them to the British Museum were they stand currently.

Who was named after the Parthenon?

The Parthenon, Was Named After Athna. (The Goddess Of ''Wisdom'')

What is the oath of plateau?

After the Greeks led by the Spartans defeated the Persian army at the battle of Plateau, the Greeks made an oath to rebuild all the temples destroyed by the Persians. Much of this money went into the Parthenon at Athens.