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The records of when and where the quote 'too many cooks spoil the broth' have been lost to time. However looking at the origin of the word 'broth' it seems to have been used at least since the 12th century in England. It's possible the quote was a wise person's musings which spread and became popular with the original creator never being given credit.

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Q: When did the saying too many cooks spoil the broth originate?
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Too many cooks spoil the broth?

too many cooks destroy my soup.

What were superstitions in the 1400's-1600's?

One is that if you sneeze a demon could enter your body that's why we say God bless you. Stir the pot of food counter clock ways would spoil the food. Putting shoes on the table invites death. Knocking on wood for good luck because trees were strong and natural. Brides put the right shoe on first.

Why did Europeans start exploring during the Renaissance?

In the 1400s, there was no refrigeration. To avoid meat to spoil, people preserve their meat with salt and dry it (like beef jerky). They also used a lot of spices like pepper to cover the taste of the salted meat. But in Europe, these spices did not grow anywhere. They can just only find it in Asian countries like China, Japan, and India, and these countries were known together as "The Indies". It was very difficult to get the spices from Asia to Europe, because they had to bring the spices across thousands of miles of dangerous mountains and deserts by spice traders. On their way, there were bandits waiting to rob the spice caravans. After using spice traders, they would bring the spices by ships, but the sea was also dangerous because of pirates and storms. Since it was so difficult to get spices from Asia to Europe, spices were very expensive. European rulers have fought many wars. They fought against each other and against the Turkish Empire. These wars cost a lot of money, so they needed to find a lot of gold, silver, and precious stones to pay for them. They thought there were gold, silver, and precious stones in Asia, so they decided to find them and bring it back to Europe. In the late 1400s, The Europeans did not know many things about the earth. Most of them had not been outside of Europe before. Because of this reason, the European map of the world included only Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa. They thought there was only one ocean, the Ocean Sea. Although many people thought the world was flat, educated Europeans knew that it was round. But the problem was they did not know how large the world was. As a conclusion, the Europeans explored during the renaissance because they want to find spices, find gold, silver, and precious stones and expend their knowledge.

What problem contributed to roman transition from a republic to an empire?

The change form the Roman Republic to rule by emperors was not a transition. It was more abrupt than that. Rule by emperors was the result of the Republic imploding and collapsing by being torn apart by civil wars. Also note that historians make a confusing use of he term Roman Empire. They use it both in territorial terms to indicate Rome' conquests and to refer the period when Rome was ruled by emperors. In territorial terms, the Roman Republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the period of the Republic. The Roman Republic fell under the weight of imperial expansion. The central government had become dysfunctional, and lost control over the provinces (conquered territories). The governors of the provinces became unruly and treated their provinces as if they were their personal fiefs. Tax collection in the provinces was carried out by private collectors who 'farmed' the taxes to line their pockets through extortion, which created discontent in the provinces, Corruption was rampant. A reform of military recruitment made the soldiers loyal to the commanders of their legions who could use them to obtain what they wanted through the threat of or the use of military violence. In 71 BC Crassus and Pompey camped their troops outside Rome to have themselves elected as consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic). Pompey was not even eligible on the grounds of being below the required age and of not having served some public offices which were required before the consulship. In the last 64 years of the Republic there were 12 civil wars. In 88 BC Sulla entered the city of Rome with his troops during his first civil war against forces of Marius, even though Roman religion forbade the bearing of arms within the city walls. Another problem in the Late Republic was the increase in the number of dispossessed peasants who lost their land to the expanding large landed estates which used slaves, who were war captives. These people flocked to Rome to try to eke out a living, swelling the masses of the poor in the city. The problem of poverty became a political hot potato which led to the conflict between the populares and the optimates. The former was a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and tried to introduce reforms to help them. The latter was a conservative political faction which favoured the aristocracy and opposed reforms. The senators were seen as being concerned with the interests of the aristocracy, rather than those of the poor and were unpopular among the middle and lower classes. They were also seen as being corrupt. Many of the civil wars were related to clashes between strong military leaders and the conflict between populares and optimates spilling into violence. Julius Caesar waged a civil war against the forces of the senate and assumed sole power in Rome (the Republic was normally headed by two annually elected consuls) for five years and tried to tackle Rome's problems. However, he was assassinated. More civil wars followed his death. Augustus won the final civil war of the Republic, which was a fight with Marc Antony over who would become the sole ruler of Rome and her territories. He gained control over the army and amassed great wealth through the spoil of war. He used both to establish his own absolute rule and became the first Roman emperor. His tight control over the state restored a strong central government and political stability. Rule by emperors continued for 503 years

What factors contributed to fall of the roman republic?

The Roman republic fell mainly because of corruption, but other factors such as the split in the senate between the optimates ad the populares, the buying off of the tribunes by politicians and the bribery of officials all added to the fall. Military strongmen contributed, as during the republic the army swore their oaths of loyalty to their generals, not to their country. This enabled men such as Caesar and Sulla to march on Rome.

Related questions

What is the finishing of this well know saying too many cook spoil?

Too many cooks spoil the broth (like a soup).

Too many cooks spoil the broth?

too many cooks destroy my soup.

Finished this well known saying too many cooks spoil?

Too many cooks do spoil the broth means that when too many people are involved in a given idea their contrasting views may make the project fail.

Can you give a sentence with the word cooks?

Too many cooks spoil the broth. I just love the aromas in the house when my aunt cooks Italian food.

How can I start a paragraph with the proverb too many cooks spoil the broth?

"MY mother always used to say"

What would be the proverb used for the utilization of a superfluity of culinary personnel maximizes disorganization and has a deleterious effect on the broth?

"Too many cooks spoil the broth."

What is examples of saying?

Here are a few phrase examples; A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Too many cooks spoil the broth. A stitch in time saves nine. Love is blind.

Where did the saying too many cooks spoil the broth come from?

It has been around a very long time as a proverb. It means that if too many people add to something the changes will not work well.

A plethora of individuals with expertise in culinary techniques vitiate the potable concoction?

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

What is the plural of kitchen?

The plural of chef is chefs.But, beware, too many chefs spoil the broth.

What Idiom meaning is an excess of individuals with cooking techniques corrupts beverages concoction produced by steeping certain foods?

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Are there any related quotes or proverbs for too many cooks spoil the broth?

too many cooks spoil the brothOne day I and my cousin visited a restaurant and so many cooks came to take our order.We told them to make us a broth with some slizes of bread we asked for just one and they all sped off to the kitchen. WE were worried that they might make a not so good broth and waited anxiously for our food,finaly the waiter arrived with our broth as we took a scoop of it we felt so disgusted as it tasted so badi asked the waitter how many cooks cooked the broth 5 cooks he said then i remembered a proverb saying too many cooks spoil the broth.