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"Emo" is a culture unto itself unless you want to caterorgierize it as a subculture of goth or punk. To answer your initial question emo started in the 60's with a band called Rites Of Spring. Or that's atleast when it really became known about.

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Q: When did the sub-culture of Emo begin?
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How do you become an emo skatebroader?

The emo- and the skate subculture are two really different things. But I believe that you can be considered an emo skateboarder if you follow the emo fashion, appreciate emocore music and, well, enjoy skateboarding.-Vegard

Who is the first emo guy?

The origins of emo fashion is kind of unknown. Noboby knows who the "first" emo guy was, or if there ever was one. The emo subculture has evolved a lot since it's origins in the midid-'80s.-Vegard

When did emo begin?

Emo started with emo music which was in the 90's

What do emo's drink?

Emo individuals may enjoy a variety of drinks like coffee, tea, energy drinks, or even alcoholic beverages, just like anyone else. Drink preferences are personal and not necessarily tied to a specific style or subculture.

What is an emo kiss?

An emo kiss is typically a kiss between two individuals who identify with the emo subculture. It is not distinct from a regular kiss, but may be characterized by the emotions, intensity, or fashion associated with the emo aesthetic.

Is Jackson Rathbone emo?

It appears that Jackson Rathbone's fashion style has encompassed elements of the emo subculture in the past, but it does not define his overall identity or personality.

Is sunako emo?

In a word, no. Nakahara Sunako does tend toward dressing in darker colours and can ocassionally display a mopey disposition and aversion to social behavior, but she demonstrates none of the fashion consciousness, preoccupation with subculture-relevant musical acts, or perpetual nihilistic and self-destructive attitude that characterizes the emo genre, subculture, and stereotype.

What are some good emo bands?

Since this question was probably asked by someone who is considering becoming emo ( overaterrated, whiney, mainstream, newest hottest subculture) I suggest you check out cradel of filth, Eveanesence ( not so much "emo" as "depressing" gothic rock) and if you were truly "emo" you would not be asking this question.

Why do emo people exist?

what do u mean? do u mean y r people emo? or do u mean how did emo get started? well emo people are emo because they are super emotional. emo is a state of mind not a fashion but many emo people do wear dark colors and cut but not all do. emo is just another subculture

Can a ten year old girl have an emo haircut?

Any age can express their preferred style. Being emo is expressive and it means you can be any age to be part of a subculture

How many teens were emo clothing?

It is difficult to determine an exact number, as the emo clothing trend varies in popularity over time and location. However, emo fashion remains a significant subculture among teens who resonate with the music genre and its associated style.