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Q: When did they stop giving smallpox vaccine in Canada?
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When did the US Armed Forces stop giving smallpox Injections?

US Nay and Small Pox injections

How do you stop smallpox?

A man noticed how milkmaids did not get affected by smallpox, so they assumed that it was something to do with cows or milk that stopped them catching smallpox. I turns out that it was a similair, but less deadly, virus called cowpox that was preventing milkmaids getting smallpox. Cowpox was a vaccine against smallpox - meaning if you have had cowpox, you can't get smallpox.

How did lady Mary wortley montagu stop smallpox?

by doing it

What gave edward Jenner the idea to stop smallpox?

he saw milkmaids

What gave Jenner the idea to stop smallpox?

he saw milkmaids

Why is it important for a vaccine to be created to stop a virus?


Who provides MMR vaccine?

One Stop Clinic For All Vaccines. Baby & Child, Women, Travel vaccine

What did edward jenner do to stop smallpox?

He took the blood from the cow and injected it into a person.

When can you stop flu shots?

The flu vaccine is recommended for children and the elderly but nobody is forced to get it. Whether or not to get a flu vaccine is a personal choice.

What is a sentence using the word vaccination?

A vaccine is a dose of an actual infectious agent (antigen), usually weakened (attenuated), dead or rendered inactive, that causes your body to make antibodies to fight off or stop the reproduction of that particular antigen if you are exposed in the environment. Here are some example sentences:I got my shot of flu vaccine yesterday.Did your doctor give you the smallpox vaccine?All children need to get the vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).There are also associated labor costs for administering the vaccine.I don't want to get the flu, so I am going to ask my doctor to give me a vaccination that contains this year's flu vaccine that will prevent the viral infection.Edward Jenner was the scientist who "invented" the first vaccines, that were made to prevent smallpox infections (which has essentially wiped this infectious disease from existence).What is in the vaccines that you get when you are vaccinated for the flu?

Can one take the H1N1 vaccine while infected with the H1N1 virus?

You can take the vaccine but it will not stop the disease. Vaccinations prevent disease but they do not cure them.

How does the potential AIDS vaccine stop the production of HIV viruses?

It helps make the virus stop reproducing / stop growing bigger and bigger.