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Most women ovulate 14-16 days BEFORE a period so if yours have suddenly become irregular it is going to be difficult to predict. This might help

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Q: When did you ovulate if your last cycle was 35 days and this time it was 27 days?
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Your last menstruation was on the 1st of December when will you ovulate?

14 days from the begining of your last period is the approximate time that you will ovulate, assuming you are average you should have ovulated the 15th.

How can you tell if your preagant?

Most women have a cycle that is fool-proof of telling you when you conceived. Whether your cycle is 28 days or 35 days, or something totally different, the majority of women ovulate at the same time. You ovulate about 12-14 days after you start your period. (When you ovulate, this is the time you can become pregnant.) For example, if you started your period on the 1st day of the month, you will be ovulating on about the 12th-14th of that month. It does not matter how long your period last. Women can only become pregnant about 2 days out of their cycle, so it is pretty easy to tell when you became pregnant. Just remember when you started your last period, and count about 12-14 days after that. (This can vary a little from woman to woman, but 12-14 is typical. It could be anywhere from 11-16. But in each cycle, there are only about 2 days a woman can actually become pregnant.) If there is any time in those 2 days that you had sex, chances are that is the time that made you pregnant.

How long do you ovulate after your period?

if you have a 28 day cycle ovulation takes place about half way in " on day 14. If your cycle is longer or shorter the halfway mark is a rule of thumb. Remember sperm can live for nearly five days so don't have sex for at least 5 days before ovulation if you don't want to get pregnant or 3 days after.

What if your period is a 29- day cycle when is the conception time?

You ovulate 14 days before your period starts. Therefore you ovulate on approximately Day 15 (remembering that Day 1 is the first day of your period).

Can you ovulate 33 days after your period?

The normal menstrual cycle is ovulation 14 days after your period. The first period post-partum can occur any time and birth control methods should be used.

What are the chances of ovulating eighteen days after the first day of your last period on a normal 28 day cycle?

A woman can ovulate any time during a menstrual cycle. However the more likely is after 12-16 days after the first day of a MC.Everyone is different. Also a woman can ovulate twice in a month. It is raare but dose happen! If you don't want a baby USE condom. If you do want a baby than good luck and tell us how it is going!!!! most likely you already had ovulate on the 14 day if you did its a slim chance--i suggest you go to i rely on this i myself has a 28 menstrul cycle-good luck

Can you still ovulate if you only have a 3 day period?

An irregular cycle can be a signal of no ovulation, but genarally speaking, you ovulate every time you have a period.

Can you fall pregnant 3 days before your period?

It is unlikely unles you have an iregular period The most likely time to fal pregnant is half way through your cycle when yo ovulate and about the 4 days before and a 3 days after that.

Can you have your menstrual cycle and have a miscarriage at the same time?

No. Before you menstruate you ovulate and you don't do that when you are pregnant.

How common is it to fall pregnant during mid cycle with condom breaking?

Well, your prime time for pregnancy is around 14 days after your period. That is usually when most women ovulate.

Do you ovulate after your period is off?

Yes that is the whole point of it. Your cycle runs 28 days and on day 14 or about that time you ovulate. When this happens you have a window where you can get pregnant before and after the ovulation. When you don't get pregnant your body gets rid of the build up of the uterus for a baby and that is your period.

Your period only last 3 days what is your cycle?

to tell when your cycle is the first day your period come on til the next time and come on this will give you the amount of days that is in your cycle and then you will not your cycle the amount of day you bleed does not tell you your cycle but i will say this since you cycle is 3 days you may have 26 or 28 day cycle