

When do Baptists pray?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Devout baptists take the statement, "Pray without ceasing" literally. It is customary to pray before a meal, when embarking on a trip, when getting ready to study, The Bible especially, when there is a need for healing of the body or spirit, when there is need for strength. So, I would say that baptists pray not by the clock but by punctuation. Whenever you want help, what to give thanks, or you think about it.

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Q: When do Baptists pray?
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That depends! They might not have time, as death can come in the twinkling of an eye. Neither might they be fully conscious to do so. However, I am sure that many people, including Baptists, pray as the end approaches - even people who have never prayed before. Hopefully, they will have settled the matter with God as to where they will be after they die before being on their deathbed, although it is still not too late at that stage. There are no last rites if that's what you mean.

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When was Union Baptists created?

Union Baptists was created in 1867.

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I. D. Stewart has written: 'The history of the Freewill Baptists, for half a century' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Free Will Baptists (1780?-1911), Baptism, Baptists, History 'The history of the Freewill Baptists for half a century' -- subject(s): Free Baptists, Free Will Baptists (Founded in New Hampshire), History

Do Baptists have something similar to confirmation?

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What is the difference between Southern Baptists and Catholic?

Southern Baptists are Protestants.

When was General Association of General Baptists created?

General Association of Baptists was created in 1826.