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Q: When do baby groundhogs leave their mom to go find food for their self?
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Female turtles leave their baby's to find food

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What is a baby fish?

When the sac or yolk has almost gone the baby fish must find food for themselves, so they leave the protection of the gravel and start feeding on plankton.

Why can't i find baby food that is made out of nothing but apricots?

the reaason why people find baby food made out of only apricots is because that is the most softest food a baby can eat. other baby food still have little chuncks in them which may choke the baby.

Do groundhogs like tomatoes?

Groundhogs don't have to many taste buds so they can not taste the food so they don't like it and they' don't hate it

Can baby dolphins find food on own?

If food is plentyful

How does groundhogs get there food?

They take it from the big, depressed elephants who worked hard to get the food but are to sad to protect it.

Do groundhogs eat dry cat food?

I have a wild groung hog that comes just about everyday and eats the cat food that I set out for the wild cats.

Where can I find coupons off organic baby food?

You can sometimes find coupons for organic baby food in direct mail advertising pieces that arrive in your mailbox. You can also write to the baby food company and ask them to mail you coupons.

How does the baby dolphin find food?

A baby dolphin does not need to find its own food. The mother takes care of that. The mother feeds its baby her milk. A whales milk is 10x richer then a cows!

Where can I find a food warmer online?

Food warmers can be found in all good stores, or if it is for a baby then you will find them in all baby outlet stores or on all good baby websites and are reasonably priced.

How do baby platypuses find their food?

Baby platypuses initially feed exclusively on mothers' milk. As they get older, they are shown by the mother platypus how to find food in rivers and creeks.