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Q: When do birds have fresh air in their lungs?
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Related questions

What are birds lungs called?

Birds lungs are called lungs but birds also possess air sacs for help in respiration .

What are the difference between birds and mammals respiration?

Birds respiratory system maintain a high metabolic rate and supplies the extra oxygen required for high-attiude flight , While the mammals respiratory system brings air(oxygen) into the lungs.

Does bird has lungs?

Yes - Birds have Lungs - Due to their high metabolic rate required for flight, birds have a high oxygen demand. Development of an efficient respiratory system enabled the evolution of flight in birds. Birds ventilate their lungs by means of air sacs, structures unique to birds (and hence, perhaps dinosaurs, too). These sacs do not play a direct role in gas exchange, but to store air and act like bellows, allowing the lungs to maintain a fixed volume with fresh air constantly flowing through them.[1]

Do baby birds have lungs or air pockets?

Yes, they do have lungs as they need to breath air.

Do birds have breathe air or gills?

Birds breathe through their mouth/nose just like you and I.

Why do you need fresh air?

air that is not fresh contains chemicals which are harmful to your lungs and other organs.

Which vertebrate have lungs that can breath air?

birds do

Does an ostrich breathe air with its lungs?

Yes, they do. Ostriches are flightless birds (Aves) and breathe air with their lungs.

Why is it important that child have fresh air and exercise?

it keeps your lungs healthy and other air can be foul and full of chemicals that will harm your lungs

Are air sacs organs?

Yes they are and they are found in the lungs of birds.

What enters your blood with each breath of fresh air?

The diaphragm squeezes the air out of your lungs

What is an advantage of the one way airflow through a birds lungs?

Mammals' lungs contain alveoli, which are basically "dead ends", so contain a mixture of fresh and stale air. However, in bird as their airways are open at both ends (one-way) air flows straight through.