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In the United States, the first rabies vaccine can be given to a puppy or kitten at 16 weeks of age. This vaccine is considered effective for one year, after which the dog or cat can be given a multi-year rabies vaccine.

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11y ago
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10y ago

This is a legal issue, as rabies vaccines are mandated as a public health measure. In the United States, the standard frequency is once as a puppy, one year later, then depending upon the vaccine given the dog will be due for a rabies booster vaccine either every year or every three years.

Your local veterinarian will be able to tell you what vaccine your dog needs to maintain compliance with local and state vaccination laws.

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9y ago

One shot at 4 months of age and a booster at 1 year. After that very three years (with the 3 year vaccine) unless it is bitten by another animal or if local laws require more frequent vaccinations.

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12y ago

So they cannot spread rabies. When a rabid dog bites a human or another animal the bite causality can contract rabies, a viral disease that is often fatal. About 97% of Rabies comes from dog bites. Vaccination programs have helped eradicate rabies in many countries.

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12y ago
The answerPets should get rabies shots once a year.
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13y ago

Once a year.

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Looking for when this dog got his last rabies shots?

To find out when a dog was last vaccinated against rabies, you would need to contact the dog's owner and see proof of vaccination like a rabies certificate. If you are the current owner, contact your vet to see when a rabies vaccine was last administered. If you are the current owner but did not own the dog at the time of last vaccination, you will need to have the previous owner contact their vet and allow them to release vaccine information to you.

Effect of discontinuing anti rabies vaccination?

After 18 months without vaccination, your dog will be susceptible to contracting rabies. Vaccinate every 12 months.

Is it okay if I only took rabies vaccination 6 days after i were bitten by a dog?

Yes, because the vaccination you have had will kill off any rabies virus lurking in your body.

How often do dogs have to get rabies shots in Nevada?

A rabies shot for dogs works in the same way that any vaccinations on a person would. When the vaccine is given it last a certain amount of time and then you need to be vaccinated again. When a dog is a puppy or if a dog is receiving their first rabies vaccination, they are given a one year does. This means that you need to give the dog the vaccine next year. However after that vets typically give dogs a injection the lasts three years.

Is a vaccination really necessary for a dog?

Yes, and in most areas a rabies shot is legally required.

Can you ship a dog from the States to Canada?

Yes, as long as they are over 3 months old and have their rabies vaccination.

Can you get rabies from kissing a dog that has rabies?

No. However, if the dog has rabies, it probably isn't going to sit there and not bite you if you do so.

Can a dog scratch cause rabies?

Rabies can be transmitted through a wound, scratch or abrasion when it comes in contact with the saliva of a rabid animal, and through a scratch inflicted by an animal if fresh saliva is on the nail of the animal that inflicts the scratch. Further, rabies can be airborne in bat caves.

Are rabies deadly?

Rabies has not been found to be contagious from person to person. In theory, if a person infected with rabies were to bite someone else, the virus might spread, but no such cases have been recorded.

Do I need to show proof of rabies immunization to be able to leave my dog at a dog boarding facility?

Most boarding kennels do require proof of immunization in order for your pet to stay there. This reduces thier liability to other pet owners. Most places in the U.S. require rabies vaccination by law anyway.

What are some names of vaccination shots that you give to your dog?

If you take your dog to the vet. The vet will know which ones are important. Ones he might get are Parvo, Distemper, and Rabies.

How often does your dog need a rabies shot?

Each state may have different laws on how often a dog needs to get a rabies shot. Typically, the dog should have the first rabies shot between 12 months and 16 months of age. They will need a booster every one to three years after, depending on state laws.