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about 6 to 8 months old, that is very young.

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Q: When do dolphins learn to swim without their mother?
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Can dolphin babies swim when their born?

Yes - the mother will swim underneath the baby and help it get to the surface to breath, but the baby is born knowing how to swim.

How do whales and dolphins sleep without drowning?

they swim when they sleep

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How long can dolphins swim without go up to the sure face?

89 hours

What are the natural abilites of dolphins?

they can swim for a long period of time without coming up

Are there places to swim with dolphins in NJ?

Avon in Monmouth County, New Jersey has had sighting of dolphins. A swimmer could swim in the sea there to swim with the dolphins.

Why can't dolphins swim without their tale?

Dolphin's can't swim without a tale because they don't have legs to kick and they have adapted to swimming like a normal fish.

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Are we allowed to swim with dolphins at curious Cove

Why do dolphins swim in a group?

dolphins swim in pods to protect themselves and to catch food

What does in mean when dolphins swim close to shore?

What dose it mean when dolphins swim to shore

How deep can average dolphins swim?

Dolphins can swim up to 260 miles below the surface.

How dolphins give birth?

they give birth by swimming and then the migrations go to the babies so they learn how to swim