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Q: When do geckos lay eggs in Louisiana?
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Do geckos ley eggs?

Yes, geckos lay eggs. All reptiles lay eggs.

What do you do with mealworm beetles after they lay eggs what to do i do with them after they turn into beetles and lay eggs How many times do they lay eggs Can I feed them to geckos birds?

When mealworm beetles turn into beetles, you can still feed them to geckos and birds. They will lay eggs until they die at 3-5 months of age.

How do leopard geckos care for there eggs?

they dont....they just lay them

How many babies can a gecko have?

Geckos usually lay 2 hard shelled eggs that are deposited 4-8" deep in soil.

Do geckos have babies?

A female will lay eggs wether she has a male to fertilize them or not. These eggs will never hatch without the male. But with a male and female they will have intercourse where the male will fertilize the female and then after a few months the female will lay fertile eggs and a few more months they will hatch into baby geckos

How do geckos have babies?

A female will lay eggs wether she has a male to fertilize them or not. These eggs will never hatch without the male. But with a male and female they will have intercourse where the male will fertilize the female and then after a few months the female will lay fertile eggs and a few more months they will hatch into baby geckos

Do geckos grow inside their mothers or in eggs?

Geckos come from eggs. Geckos come from eggs.

Do leopards lay eggs?

If you have a mature male and a female leopard gecko, the female can become pregnant (gravid). She will usually carry two eggs at a time and will need a laying box to lay her eggs in. Books on leopard gecko care will tell you what type of laying box to provide. After a short incubation period, the eggs should hatch.

Do geckos hatch from eggs?

Yes, the majority of lizards lay eggs, but some, such as the Solomon Island skink, and the blue-tongue skink, give live birth. The eggs of lizards and geckos usually hatch within 50-55 days, depending on the type of lizard.

Are there any geckos in Louisiana?


Does a female green anole have to mate with a male to lay eggs?

Not necessarily ! Many female lizards (including anoles, geckos and iguanas) will lay eggs at regular intervals. However - unless the female has been mated with a male, the eggs will be infertile, and will never hatch.

What is the cockroaches preditor?

Cockroaches have many natural predators. These include toads, frogs, iguanas, beetles, and geckos. Some types of wasps also lay their eggs on cockroach eggs, which then feed on the cockroach eggs.