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When they swan (go to have babys).

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Q: When do killer whales leave their packs?
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Related questions

Does the killer whale kill other killer whales?

Yes, when they hunt in packs killer whales can take down even the largest whale. Except a Bull Sperm whale which is too dangerous to attack even in packs.

Which type of whale hunts in packs?

Killer Whales (Orca orca), dolphins and porpoises are known to actively hunt in packs.

Which type of whale hunts in group to catch its prey?

Orca Whales some people might known them as Killer Whales. The Killer Whales or The Orca Whales hunt in groups called "Pods".

What feeds on the largest whales?

Generally Killer Whales (They aren't actually whales.) in packs can take down the largest whales. Sharks can feed on whale calves and other small whales.

Do whales swim alone or in groups?

Killer whales travel in packs like wolves and share many of the same hunting strategies.

Do killer whales help each other?

yes, they are very social animals and hunt in packs for food and take care of each other. pods, not packs

What would win a hammer head shark or a killer whale?

The hammer head shark, because killer whales are actually dolphins and usually hunt in packs.

Where do killer whales have there young?

Whales normally do not leave the water for any reason, and they give birth in the water as well.

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What is the population of killer whales?

There are about 3000 killer whales in the world.

Do killer whales eat puffins?

killer whales do eat puffins killer whales do eat puffins

What is a killer whales growth?

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