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Your kitten will start using the kitty litter box when he/she is about 5 or 6 weeks old. I know this because my cat has just recently had 3 kittens. They have just now started to walk into their mothers and slowly use it.

Hopefully your kitten will start to use the kitty-litter box! Good luck! (You'll really need it! Hint: Your kitten will probably go on the floor every once in a while. This is just natural.)

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15y ago

They will start needing a litter box when they start walking or climbing onto things. The first two weeks of birth, the mother would clean the kittens mess up, but then the kittens would start becoming curious about litter. Usually you would have the litter out the entire start of the birth so the mother could use it. When the kittens see the mother using it, they want to start also. Same goes with eating.

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11y ago

Kittens won't naturally go in the litter box to do business. It is not instinct, since cats never had litter-boxes in the wild. You have to train them at a young age so that they use the litter box when older. I used to train my kittens by simply putting them in the litter box when I'd think they need to go. Most of the time, my predictions were right. Otherwise, just put them in the litterbox when they show late signs of needing to go.

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13y ago

When they can walk without wobbling and you start teaching them.

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16y ago

usually 2 to 3 weeks

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Q: When do kittens start using the kitty litter?
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You can save a lot of money with kitty litter coupons by using them at the time of purchase. By using the coupons, you will pay less for the cat litter.

What age are kittens litter trained?

They say if the mother cat doesn't show them how, that one needs to show the kittens how to use a litter box. Mine didn't show hers and at 6 weeks I took each one and sat them in the litter box and took their front paws and showed them how to scratch in the litter and all it took was that one time and they all used the litter box then.

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Using kitty litter would be a good start. After that, the use of a serious degreaser would help.

When do kitten start using litter box?

kittens are predisposed to use a litter box, as soon as they are big enough to climb into one, in the mean time help them in, as soon as they are "done" you can lift them out again. they do it automatically, hilarious to watch!

How do you potty train a 6 week old kitten?

Actually they would start using the litter box even before that. When the mother cat uses the litter box in front of the kitten, the kitten becomes curious and wants to try what its mother is doing. Kittens would usually climb into the litter box and smell around and then use it. No, actually you have to show the kitten where the litter box is. In some cases, if you see him or her pee, go up to her, say NO, and then pick her up and take her to the litter box and show him or her THIS is where to "go".

How old can cats be when they litter?

A queen can be younger than a year old when she has her first litter. For a pet, it's best you let your queen cat be at least a year old before she has kittens, so she has good growth before her body starts using up its nutrients to provide for growing kittens.

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Either by using some sort of material like salt, sand, or gravel or by putting on some chemical such as Mag Chloride which melts the ice

How do you stop your 7 week old kitten from defecating on the blankets instead of the litter box?

When she has an accident, put her and the feces into the litter box. Use a stick to "dig" in the litter, and push it over the feces. Kittens normally learn from their moms. But sometimes, humans must teach them this skill. Don't reprimand them--the cat won't understand your words or tone of voice.If kitty is using the same spot over and again, try putting the litter box there for a few days.

What is used in kitty litter?

There should be an ingredients list on the bag of litter as not all litter is the same. It depends on the type of litter (clay or wood pellets) and also the brand. The cheapest and most common type of kitty litter is Clay. However, there are a variety of other absorbents that have been used including recycled newspapers, popcorn, and silica Gel. See the link below for more information.

You adopted a cat last week He is a year and a half He isn't using the litter box instead is going on the carpet in hidin area's How can you get him to use the litter box?

What is the place that the cat uses most? put the kitty litter box in that place and day by day move it closer to the spot you would like it to be.

Does the mother cat help the kittens learn to go in a litter box?

Yes, if the mother has been taught to use it, she will help the kitten learn to use it. You may want to help a little, it depends on how mush progress the mother makes, but it should be fine with just her.

When will newborn kittens start using there back legs?

In all reality, kittens start walking whenever their little legs decide they are strong enough and they develop the proper coordination to get all four paws going in the right direction at the right time. This can vary some, but for most kittens, this happens between the third and fourth week. Their eyes have opened, their hearing has improved, and their basic coordination and strength has allowed them to take a few shaky practice steps. Many litter owners will watch during the second and third weeks as the kittens gear up to walk. Their initial locomotion occurs in nearly the same format as human children. Inching and crawling is usually preceded by a squirming and wiggling action. This of course allows the kittens to jockey for position during feedings and to seek out the warmth and comfort offered by their mother and their litter mates.