

When do people observe one minute of complete silence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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On Veteran's Day.

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Q: When do people observe one minute of complete silence?
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What do people observe at 11 am on Veterans Day?

The armistice that ended World War ONE was signed at 11 a.m, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. Many people observe a minute of silence in remembrance of all Americans who have served, and the many who have died, in the military.

Why do we have 1 minute silence?

Because 11 is to long for some disrespectful people...

When do Americans observe one minute of complete silence?

After the passing of a significant moment in history (say 9/11) or to remember a person who has passed.

If you observe one minute of silence for 6 million deaths how long would you be silent for?

An hour, because there are presumably more births than deaths at this rate. We are going to be at 7 billion people in about 361 days! :)THIS QUESTION ANSWERED BY THE SCI_GUIDE

What happens on the remembrance day?

The other Events that occur or happens on Remembrance Day is 1. People go to church and have a moments silence remembering i think 2. The 2 minute silence. 3. The honors the end of WWI by Armistice

Why was anzc day celebrated?

because we need to have 1 minute silence to remember the people that had gotten killed on the war.

How do people now celebrate armistice day?

I don't know much, but at 11 oclock, they have a minute of silence in respect for the dead.

What is the thing many people observe at 11 AM on Veterans Day?

Veteran's Day was originally "Armistice Day", because on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice ended WWI.

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"Silence is Golden, But my eyes still see," means it is sometimes better to keep quiet and watch or observe what is going on around you. Think before you speak. It's golden because it's rare, like gold - most people chat away without stopping to think before they speak.

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Unles you sprint or run really fast, it would take most people more then a minute to complete a lap around a track.

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People observe things what they are looking at. It's very

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