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Shooting stars come out on clear nights.

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Q: When do shooting stars start to come out and what time in acww ds?
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How do shooting stars make wishes come true?

They don't.

Do Muslims believe that shooting stars can really make your wish come true?


Do wishes on a shooting come true?

yes my uncle has seena lot of shooting stars and most of them had come true he said you have to whisper your wish but not say it aloud.

Do shooting stars come from the sun?

Yes, but they aren't actually stars. A shooting star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere. A shooting star is also broken pieces of meteors that have become broken off in space. Also, for those who ask do they make your dreams come true they really don't because stars are not really stars and when they come down to earth its a meteor shower.

Do shooting stars collide with other stars?

Shooting stars are not stars. They are bits of dirt and dust that burn up in our atmosphere. As they fly through our atmosphere they briefly look stars, which is how the names shooting or falling stars have come about, but they are not stars. Were such a piece of dirt to head toward a star, it would burn up long before it got anywhere close to it, so it could not hit it. A shooting star is usually what most call meteors and burn up in earths atmosphere giving the appearance of a falling star.

Why is there so many Shooting stars over Los Angeles in December?

We need our wishes to come true :)

When does a shooting star comes in 2011?

Shooting stars come around 30 times each night. Make sure you don't have any tools equipped, and when you see a shooting star, press A. Your character will make a wish. If you miss the first star you see, get ready cause the shooting stars come in groups. Next day in the mail you will get a furniture item attached to a letter from a mysterious "Wishy the Star".

What time does the weather come on the tv on acww ds?

It shows up in any time. And it's not the real weather in acww, it's just a show up in the tv.

When does the ghost wisp come in acww?

Wisp doesn't appear in AC:WW, sorry. :(

Do stars shine forever?

there are new ones every day being born..others are fizzling out.its an ongoing process that i think,will continue on and on.. No...altho the light you see will last for hundreds of years after the star is gone...nothing keeps it's form forever....

Why don't we hear the sound of a shooting star though we can see it?

Normally shooting stars are too high up for us to hear. However this is not always the case, sometimes a big shooting star will come down lower and in these instances we DO hear them.

Does wishes come true upon wishing on a shooting star?

You just make a wish. You do not need shooting stars to make wishes.