

When do stars become red giants?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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Stars become Red Giants when the main sequence ends in a star which can be different periods of time depend on if it is a high-massive star or a low-massive star. :)

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Q: When do stars become red giants?
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Why do stars not become red giants?

Most medium mass stars such as our Sun DO become red giants. Smaller stars do not have enough mass to initiate helium fusion when the hydrogen supply begins to run low, and do not become red giants.

When small stars get old they become?

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Why do some stars become red giants and others become supernova?

i dont know

Do low mass main sequence stars become red super giants?

No. Only massive stars can become supergiants.

Will a red giant star end as a supernova?

Not exactly. Red giants become white dwarf stars. It is the red supergiants that can become supernovas.

Are red giant stars the largest?

Yes red giants are the largest. But the bigger stars of red giants can be called red hyper giants.

Is this true Intermediate mass stars expand in red giants and then become part of a supernova?

No. Intermediate mass stars will evolve into Red Giants and then to White Dwarfs. See related questions for more information.

Do stars expand in size?

Stars expand in size to become red giants, when they start running low on Hydrogen fuel.

Is the nearest stars mostly red giants?

No, they are mostly red dwarf stars.

Will earth be a red giant in the future?

No. Red giants are when stars become even bigger than they were before. Our sun will become a red giant in a few billion years. When it does, it will destroy earth.

What kind of stars form red giants?

when Dwarf Stars run out of hydrogen they form Red Giant stars, then from that they become White dwarf stars when the outer layers shed, forming a planetary nebula.when giant stars or supergiant stars run out of hydrogen they form red supergiant stars

What color are small cool stars?

The large hot stars are typically called "blue-white" stars or also Blue Giants. Cooler large stars are called Red Giants.