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Q: When do symptoms of paralysis tick show?
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Is tick paralysis deadly?

Potentially, yes. Tick paralysis is loss of muscle function from a tick bite, usually a female tick, and primarily affects children. The tick attaches to feed on blood and during feeding toxins enter the child's bloodstream. The child will develop an unsteady gait due to weakness in the lower extremities. This weakness will eventually make it's way up into the abdomen and upper extremities. Flu like symptoms can develop and there can be breathing difficulties. Finding the tick and removing it will remove the source of the toxins and recovery from tick paralysis is fast.

What symptoms can ticks cause in dogs?

There are many clinical signs of Lyme disease in dogs, including fever, swollen lypmh nodes, lameness, and anorexia (not eating). Long-term sequelae include inflammation of the heart, inflammatory joint disease, kidney disease and sometimes neurological disease.

What would paralyze a dog?

There is a type of tick called the paralysis tick that if it bites an animal and clings on for too long, it will paralys the animal

can anyone tell me what lyme disease is?

It is a bacterial infection which can be spread by infected ticks. This occurs when you are bitten by a tick, which feeds on the blood of humans. The symptoms include muscle pain, joint pain, joint swelling and neurological symptoms such as paralysis of the muscles in the face, which will eventually resolve.

What to Look for in Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a disease transmitted by tick bites. Fortunately, it occurs in less than five percent of tick bites. The symptoms to watch for if you are concerned about Lyme disease would largely involve watching for rashes. At the tick bite, if you see an enlarging bulls-eye rash, see a doctor immediately. Prolonging treatment will result in the rash spreading across the body, and eventually leading to other long-term symptoms such as facial paralysis and crippling arthritis.

How long do the symptoms of Todd's paralysis last?

The symptoms of Todd's paralysis are often gone within minutes or hours of their onset. In some, more rare cases, the symptoms may last as long as 48 hours. Ultimately, however, full function is restored.

What are the symptoms having bell's palsy?

Partial facial paralysis is the main symptom.

Could you inform me about Lyme Disease symptoms?

Lyme Disease is a tick released bacterium that is released when a deer tick bite. These can only happen if the tick carries the germ which is very common.

Are there tick bite pictures that show a person who got tick fever?

You can view pictures online and compare them to see if you have tick bite fever. This method however is not 100% effective and should really only be used as a first step. If you think you have tick bite fever you should compare possible symptoms to how you are feeling and if there are large matches then seeking medical assistance would be your next best option.

Where can one find information on tick bite symptoms?

Tick bite symptoms can be found on web md and other medical websites. They can also be found in medical articles,medical textbooks and home medical dictionaries.

What Is a Tick Bite What Do You Do If You Get a Tick Bite?

A tick is a small creature that closely resembles a spider. A tick bite occurs when the tick fastens itself onto the skin and draws blood. Tick bites can occur at any time of the year, but they most often occur during the early spring and late summer.Are tick bites serious? What should I do if I get a tick bite?Most people who have seen tick bite pictures would think that this condition is serious. The good news is that most tick bites are not serious. Furthermore, most ticks do not carry diseases.Treating a tick bite is relatively simple. All one has to do is remove the tick with a pair of tweezers. After that, a person should wash the infected area with mild soap and water. Rubbing alcohol should be applied after the area has been cleansed thoroughly.How do I know if a tick bite is serious?Again, tick bites are rarely a cause for concern. However, a small percentage of people will develop flu-like symptoms. These symptoms typically occur one day to three weeks after a tick bite. Flu-like symptoms are often a sign of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a serious condition that can result in nerve damage, facial paralysis and sleeping problems if it is left untreated.Additionally, some people may also have an allergic reaction. Sores, hives and breathing difficulties are signs of an allergic reaction. People who notice strange symptoms should make sure that they see a physician as soon as possible.What can be done to prevent tick bites?The best thing that people can do to prevent ticks is to avoid walking in wooded areas. Ticks thrive in moist areas, and the woods is an example of a moist area. Those who will be going into wooded areas need to make sure that they wear tick repellent.

Tick paralysis?

DefinitionTick paralysis is a loss of muscle function that results from a tick bite.Causes, incidence, and risk factorsHard- and soft-bodied female ticks are believed to make a poison that can cause paralysis in children. Ticks attach to the skin to feed on blood. It is during this feeding process that the toxin enters the bloodstream.The paralysis is ascending -- that means it starts in the lower body and moves up. It is similar to that seen in Guillain-Barre syndrome and opposite that seen in botulism and paralytic shellfishpoisoning.SymptomsChildren with tick paralysis develop an unsteady gait (ataxia) followed several days later by weakness in the lower legs that gradually moves up to involve the upper limbs.Paralysis may cause breathing difficulties, which may require the use of a breathing machine.The child may also have mild, flu-like symptoms (muscle aches, tiredness).Signs and testsThe person will have been exposed to ticks in some way. For example, he or she may have been on a recent camping trip, live in a tick-infested area, or have dogs or other animals that can pick up ticks. Often the tick is found only after thoroughly searching the person's hair.Finding a tick embedded in the skin and noting above symptoms confirms the diagnosis. No other testing is required.TreatmentRemoving the tick removes the source of the neurotoxin. Recovery is rapid following the removal of the tick.Expectations (prognosis)Full recovery is expected following the removal of the tick.ComplicationsRespiratoryfailureCalling your health care providerIf your child suddenly becomes unsteady or weak, have the child examined promptly. Breathing difficulties require emergency care.PreventionUse insect repellents and protective clothing when out in tick-infested areas. Carefully check the skin after being outside and remove any ticks.As a rule, if children are discovered to have ticks, it is a good idea to write the information down and keep it for several months. Many tick-borne diseases do not show symptoms immediately, and the incident may be forgotten by the time a child becomes sick with a tick-borne disease.ReferencesBolgiano EB, Sexton J. Tick-borne illnesses. In: Marx J, ed. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 6th ed. St Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2006:chap 132.