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Q: When do the majority of former smokers quit?
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Why smokers cant quit?

it is not right

When did nicotine first help smokers quit?

Nicotine is what stops smokers from quitting.

How many smokers in the United States attempt to quit every year?

About 58% of current smokers have attempted to quit smoking at least once in their lifetime.

What percentage of cigarette smokers quit?

Out of 100% only 2 percent quit the smoking

How many percent of smokers want to quit?


Why is it difficult for smokers to quit smoking?

It is difficult to quit smoking once one becomes addicted to nicotine.

You got life insurance right after you quit smoking cigarettes how long until you can retake the nicotine test?

You will have to discuss that with your insurance provider. The risk of complications for former smokers does not abate for some years.

Do more than 4 in 5 smokers want to quit?


Why was the smoking law made?

the anti smoke law was made to protect non smokers and also to try to help smokers to quit smoking!

How long after pregnancy before mandatory to quit cigarettes?

Its not mandatory to quit at any time, but you should quit as soon as you learn you are pregnant as babies born to smokers tend to be smaller than those born to non smokers, of course this is only one example of the changes to the baby it can cause.

What is smokers asthma?

Asthmatic smokers who quit the habit can reverse lung damage that exacerbates their breathing difficulties, regardless of how long and how often they smoked in the past.

Why can't you get help to quit and medical help Smokers pay the tax?

Many western countries provide assistance in getting smokers to quit, such as tokens for patches and advice on how to quit. Medical help is provided where necessary, although the government should not be exxpected to pay for your mistakes if you have not even attempted to fix them.