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Baking soda raises the Total Alkalinty of the pool without really affecting the pH. Pool industry standards say 80-120ppm is normal. Soda ash or sodium carbonate is used to raise the pH without affecting Total Alkalinity. The importance of Total Alkalinity is if it is too low, the water seeking its dynamic balance will sacrifice components in the pool surface to satisfy its demand. If the pool surface has a slick or slimy feel to it but otherwise the pool water is clear, chances are the T/A is low and you are feeling the calcium hydroxide leeching out of the plaster. Run your thumbnail up the wall of the pool and look for a powdery deposit accumulating on your thumbnail.

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Yes, I do it all the time.

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Q: Can you add baking soda or ultra bleach to your salt water pool?
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How do you clean your 12 foot pool with baking soda?

No, that will not work. Use warm bleach and lots of it.

How much baking soda to soften pool water?

Baking soda will not soften (remove calcium hardness) from pool water. It will raise total alkalinity.

If a person is allergic to bleach can they swim in a pool?

If a person is allergic to bleach they should not swim in a pool. Most pools contain chlorine, which is a form of bleach used to disinfect and sanitize water.

Can you mix Super Shock with bleach to get the iron out of pool water?

Absolutely do not mix shock with bleach. there are chemicals specifically designed to remove Iron from the water. Ask your pool supply store. Hatawa

Can you use household bleach to chlorinate a saltwater pool?

No, a salt water pool does not contain bleach.

What can I use to clean an empty home swimming pool?

What do you use to clean a pool that is empI'd use anything suitable for the surface material. Nothing special about it apart from the area! Just ensure you use a cleanser compatible with the wall material, and do not use anything abrasive. Then rinse it all down.

How do you shock an intex pool?

3800 gals of pool water shock it with 1 gal bleach

What are some chlorine substances?

chlorine bleach, tap water, salt, swimming pool water.

How much bleach to disinfect a wading pool?

Depends on the size of the pool. Actually, a more useful answer is to simply use 2 qts of regular, unscented, household bleach for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

Do all pool cleaners use acid?

They use some kind of chlorine bleach to disinfect the dirty pool water.

If you have an easy set above ground pool that holds 5455 gallons how much bleach and borax and baking do you use to open the pool?

It would be best to take a water sample to a pool store (such as Leslie's). They will run a computerized test which will tell you exactly which chemical to use and the proper order to place them in the pool. Be sure to tell them you have an above ground system.

Can I use bleach to clean my above ground pool liner I would like to remove the brown water line that remains on my liner?

You can use bleach to clean your above ground plastic pool liner. Use one part bleach to two parts water and scrub the stain wearing rubber gloves. Make sure to rinse the bleach thoroughly from the liner before adding more water in.