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We celebrate Martin Luthur King Jr. on Jan.21. I hope this answers your question.

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Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday weekend. It's always the third Monday in January, which occurs after January 15th, which was Martin Luther King Jr.'s actual birthday.

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10y ago

On January of each year it always fall on a Monday but the day is always different in United States.

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Why did you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.?

Martin Luther King Jr gave us equality.

Why do people celebarate Martin Luther King Jr day?

People celebrate Martin Luther King Day to honor the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When do you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day?

January 18th

What day do you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr?

January 21st is celebrated as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Where is Martin Luther King Jr Jr from?

Martin Luther King, Jr. was from Atlanta, Georgia.

Why was Martin Luther King Jr. named after Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

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The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.

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Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian.

Martin Luther King jr is a resident of Martin Luther King jr is a resident?

Martin Luther King Jr. was a resident of Atlanta and Montgomery

When does American celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

On the third Monday in January

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When people talk about Martin Luther King, they nearly always mean Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Sr. (nicknamed "Daddy King") was his father. Martin Luther King III was one of King Jr.'s sons.

Was Martin Luther King jr named after Martin Luther of Germany?

Martin Luther King Jr's father, Martin Luther King, was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father.